Thursday, July 16, 2009

Week 12- 17 Highlights

Over the weekend we visited Constantia for a wine estate luncheon. We took a tour of the winery and learned about how the wine is made. The end of the tour (for most) was the best part--we got to taste 5 types of wine.

They were all very interesting... especially the Port Wine which was very rich (a dessert wine). On our way out to the lunch location, we were surprised by Baboons jumping from the overhang to the near by trees. Not going to lie... it made me say, now this makes me feel like I'm in Africa!

Another FYI... for all those who think that if you visit Africa you will be seeing Lions roaming down the middle of the streets... it doesn't happen. Ya, I know, Bummer right? But it's probably safer that way. =)

Also this week, we've been meeting and consulting with our Entrepreneur (a caterer). This past week has been spent talking to him and his partner, getting the feel for his company and what's all about. To get a better idea we all decided to go in field to his Khayelitsha Kitchen Shack. I hope at the end of these two weeks, he'll benefit from my 3 years of NU Business schooling. It would be great to come back to SA and see him and his business doing well and thriving.

That's all for now, time for bed. Hopefully the Nation's Internet won't be out again...

OH well--T.I.A.



  1. Were your baboons nasty and aggressive? or were they well behaved?

  2. Dear Angela, I am enjoying following you on your trip, your mom sent me some excerpts and now I have read it all here. It's a fascinating story, and such an unusual place. We travel a lot as you know... but we haven't gone there, as our trips are generated by where the math conferences are. I always bring home percussion instruments, and Rick brings home flutes. So I understand that inclination! I love how you described there is always some kind of live music, I love that. It's great that you write this and give us glimpses into this different world... of course we all love and identify with the baboons! I hope you will write a few poems and bring them to our Salon or Caltech Poetry Club. we'd love it if you could give a report on your trip here at the Salon, with photos and music and dance too, if you will!
